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2024 RoboRumble Winners

2024 LEGO® RoboRumble Winners

Overall 1-3rd Grade Winner: Blackweather

Overall 4-6th Grade Winner: Lego Bites

1-3rd Grade Division:


1st place: Blackweather

2nd place: ARSA

3rd place: Lamborghini

Design Competition Winner: Axolotl

Game 1: Color Blocks

1st place: Axolotl

2nd place: Pythons

3rd place: ARSA

Game 2: Maze Game

1st place: Pythons

2nd place: Siberian Tigers

3rd place: Blackweather

Game 3: Capture the Flag

1st place: Lamborghini

2nd place: ARSA

3rd place: Blackweather

Game 4: RoboRumble

1st place: Blackweather

2nd place: ARSA

3rd place: Lamborghini

4-6th Grade Division:


1st place: Lego Bites

2nd place: Froakie

3rd place: GoLegoMachine

Design Competition Winner: Lego Bites

Game 1: Color Blocks

1st place: GoLegoMachine

2nd place: Lego Bites

3rd place: The Renegades

Game 2: Maze Game

1st place: Lego Bites

2nd place: GoLegoMachine

3rd place: Awadallah Ambushers

Game 3: Capture the Flag

1st place: GoLegoMachine

2nd place: Froakie

3rd place: Lego Bites

Game 4: RoboRumble

1st place: Awadallah Ambushers

2nd place: Froakie

3rd place: GoLegoMachine

Suncoast Science Center
4452 S Beneva Road
Sarasota Florida 34233

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