We are lucky to be surrounded by many talented and passionate students. Each year, a group of graduating students who have contributed tremendous time and value to the organization are inducted into the Fab Lab Alumni Society. Let's meet the alumni who have contributed a FABulous amount to the lab!

Daniel Berry

Gemma Davies

Daniil Em

Ava Griner

Sheli Hazan

Florentina Klingenberg

Hana Knowlton

Valentina Mercado

Angela Nguyen

Abigail Pereira

Helen Szpiczynski

Lily Tomalin


Brandan Bailey

Nolan Boucher

Nicholas Brion

Chase Contreras

Kathleen Cravens

Christopher DeMassa

Alex Fernandez

Lia Gaitan

Nicole Gaitan

Sebastian Grabowski

Jacob Hard

Artem Holovan

Luca Laureno

Duncan Marmash

Jenee Marshall

Lora Rini

Andrew Ruffin

Karissa Trannguyen

Sahil Agarwal

Jackson Cutler

Laura Gayre

Uday Goyat

Tyler Kadivar

Alaya Knowlton

Connor Lafo

Ray Min

Diego Morales
Lifetime Membership award recipient

Ricardo Prado Cunha

Sonica Prakash

Naina Chauhan

Julia Chen

Maddie Dennis

Gabriella Gentile

Pragnya Govindu
Lifetime Membership award recipient

Tristan Jonsef

Selby Klanot

Julia Kourelakos

Kiva McCracken
Lifetime Membership award recipient

Alexiya Mikerina

Nicholas Paredes

Nicole Ter Doest

Kasumi Wade

Anna Waite

Alexander Gage
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Alexander is a 2020 Pine View School graduate attending Florida Polytechnic University where he studies Mechanical Engineering. He was part of the inaugural group of SCIP serving on the Education Team, as well as being heavily involved with the district FIRST Robotics team, Jungle Robotics.

Jack Gallahan
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Jack is a 2020 Pine View School graduate attending Princeton University. Jack was a member of SPEC where he developed and led the Brainbenders Math summer camp and after school program. Jack also participated on the Fab Lab's 2016 TARC (Team America Rocketry Challenge) rocketry club team.

Christiana Guan
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Christiana is a 2020 Pine View School graduate attending the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania where she studies Business. Christiana was a member of SPEC where she developed and led a DIY summer camp aimed at girls in 2019. She also served on the Education Team of SCIP during its inaugural year and volunteered for many marketing-related projects around the lab.

Michael Gutierrez
Lifetime Membership award recipient
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Michael is a 2020 Pine View School graduate attending the California Institute of Technology where he studies Engineering. Michael served as a senior member of the RC Custom Car Open Executive Committee, developed and led a Brainbenders game-theory masterclass in Summer 2020 and served on the Education Team of SCIP during its inaugural year. He volunteered regularly for many other lab projects during his time at the lab including the COVID-19 Face Mask & Shield Project.

Won "Bari" Namgoong
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Bari is a 2020 Pine View School graduate attending the University of South Florida where she studies Chemistry. Bari began volunteering at the lab during the end of her senior year but made an incredible impact in a short time period by volunteering hundreds of hours to support the lab's COVID-19 Face Mask & Shield Project, Fab Lab Blood Drive and Summer Camps. She also served on both the Education and Product SCIP teams during the program's inaugural year.

Claire Wang
Lifetime Membership award recipient
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Claire is a 2020 Pine View School graduate attending the University of California San Diego where she studies Biomedical/Mechanical Engineering. Claire served as a senior member of the RC Custom Car Open Executive Committee, developed and led countless summer camps and served on both SCIP teams during its inaugural year. In response to COVID-19, she stepped up as Inventory Coordinator for the organization's COVID-19 Face Mask & Shield Project, making a tremendous impact on the number of masks and shields that were provided to healthcare workers. Claire also served as Team Captain for the district FIRST Robotics team, Jungle Robotics in 2019-20. In addition to her technical talents, Claire's passion for the arts helped breathe life into the many lab projects she made during her time at the lab.

Rocket Burns
Lifetime Membership award recipient
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Rocket, a 2019 Pine View School graduate, is one of the lab's earliest volunteers and the first student instructor. He played a pivotal role in establishing many of the lab's youth programs and founded the Student Proposals & Education Committee (SPEC) which helped lay the foundation for future student instructors. Rocket developed and led countless summer camps and STEM classes during his time at the lab. He is now studying Music at the University of Minnesota Twin Cities. In his spare time, you can find Rocket practicing keyboard, guitar and bass and reading about music theory.

Logan Clapp
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Logan is a 2019 Sarasota Military Academy graduate. He began volunteering at the Fab Lab in 2016 where he assisted with youth programs including summer camp. He is now studying Mechanical Engineering at the University of South Florida. During Summer 2020, Logan completed an internship at the Fab Lab through a partnership with Next Employment Opportunities. His internship project included constructing a Rube Goldberg machine for the lab.

William Giraldo
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William is a 2019 Pine View School graduate. During his high school career, he was a volunteer at the Fab Lab and served on the RC Custom Car Open Executive Committee. He now attends Carnegie Mellon University.

Alex Lindsay
Lifetime Membership award recipient
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Alex is a 2019 Pine View School graduate. His passion for robotics made a lasting impact on the lab as he developed and led robotics camps and founded a middle school FIRST Robotics program alongside Lucas Rodgers. Alex attends Cornell University where he is studying Engineering.

Matthew Mason
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Matthew is a 2019 Pine View School graduate. He was a member of the RC Custom Car Open Executive Committee during his time at the lab. He is now attending the University of Texas.

Lucas Rodgers
Lifetime Membership award recipient
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Lucas is a 2019 Pine View School graduate. His passion for robotics made a lasting impact on the lab as he developed and led robotics camps and founded a middle school FIRST Robotics program alongside Alex Lindsay. He was also the Team Captain of the district FIRST Robotics team, Jungle Robotics during 2018-19. Lucas attends Worcester Polytechnic Institute where he is studying Chemistry. In Summer 2020, Lucas returned to the lab to serve as a college team member for the SCIP Product Team.

Jade Fischer
Inaugural Class

Henry Tingle
Lifetime Membership award recipient
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Henry is a 2016 Pine View School graduate. During his high school career, he was heavily involved at the Fab Lab helping found the RC Custom Car Open. He went on to study Aerospace Engineering at Purdue University from 2016-2020 and is now attending the University of Florida for his PhD in Aerospace Engineering, with a concentration in fluid dynamics. Henry returned to the lab in Summer 2020 as a Team Lead for the SCIP program Product Team. He lent his engineering and research expertise to inspire SCIP team members as they designed and built several iterations of a contactless door handle.