thank you for another great rumble!
Click here for a list of 2024 Winners

Throughout this project-based learning program, students will learn robot design skills, LEGO® robot-building techniques, and Scratch programming language. With these tools, students will be assembled into teams and challenged to build their own robot to battle others in the LEGO® RoboRumble competition! In addition to a multitude of technical skills, students will develop problem-solving and creative thinking skills they can use for life. Previous coding experience is NOT required but is a plus.
LEGO® RoboRumble is led by Robotics Director Coach April and a dedicated committee of high school students. Scroll down to meet the student team!
Fab Lab Robotics Director April has studied and worked in Electrical/Robotics Automation, Professional Information Tech, Mathematical/Actuarial and STEM Education fields. She has coached multiple FLL (First LEGO® League) and FLL Jr. teams for the past four years. Her teams have won many awards, including but not limited to the following:
- 2021-2022 1st place award in LEGO® Robotics Design in the state of Florida
- 2021-2022 FIRST Global Innovation Award Semifinalist title.
- 2020-2021 Florida State Champion's title in the FLL state competition in the state of Florida.
- 8th place in Robotics Performance in the 2021 International FLL Virtual Open Invitational Competition. One team was ranked No. 3rd in Robotics Performance in the USA.
- 4th place Rising Stars Award in the 2021 FIRST® LEGO® LEAGUE Virtual Open International Greece.

LEGO® RoboRumble is led by a team of dedicated high school students. In addition to helping participants design, build and program their bots, the committee is responsible for designing the RoboRumble competition games, building the battle arena, designing t-shirts and trophies and more! Learn more about this unique leadership opportunity here.

LEGO® RoboRumble Program Policies & Expectations
Drop-Off and Pick-Up
Check in will take place at 9am or 1pm, inside the main entrance located near the rear of the building. A volunteer or staff member will help you check in your child. If someone other than you will be picking up your child, please notify lab staff at check in.
You are also required to sign your child out when picking them up at 12pm or 4pm. Again, this will be done inside the building and a volunteer will retrieve your child from the lab or classroom.
General Health and Safety
Dress Code
Snacks will not be provided to your child but please feel free to pack a snack for your child to enjoy during class. Your child may bring a water bottle that can be refilled at the lab.
Release Forms
The registration portal has the most current information regarding open spots and waitlists. You will NOT be charged when adding yourself to a class waitlist. Students on the waitlist will be notified in the order they were added to the waitlist if a spot becomes available. We will notify you as early as possible by phone or email if there is an opportunity to move off the waitlist and include instructions on making payment.
Cancelations & Refund Policy
Cancelations must be made at least 14 days before the first build class (by Sept 22 for traditional students; by Sept 24 for homeschool students) to qualify for a full refund. Cancelations made less than 14 days from the first build class will qualify for a 50% refund. Cancelations made after the first build session has begun will not qualify for a refund. Cancelations must be made in writing to or by calling 941-840-4394. Cancelations by voicemail will not be accepted. No-shows do not qualify for a refund. If your child must be picked up early or miss a session, there is no refund for missed time.
We reserve the right to cancel the program if fewer than 8 students are enrolled.
Student Expectations
We have established the following expectations for each student to have a positive, safe experience in LEGO RoboRumble classes.
- Walking is our preferred mode of transportation while working in the lab! Please refrain from running.
- No food or drink (including candy and gum) is allowed in classroom or machine areas unless agreed upon with staff or volunteers. Snacks you bring will be set aside for snack time.
- The Golden Rule… Treat others as you would like to be treated! This means raising your hand to speak, respecting others' personal space and keeping your hands to yourself, being considerate and helpful, using appropriate language, etc.
- Treat our machines and tools respectfully... like they are your own!
- There may be other programs running concurrently with LEGO RoboRumble. Please be sure to stay with your group at all times.
Three Strikes Policy
To reinforce these rules and encourage an appropriate and safe learning environment, we employ the "Three Strikes and You're Out" policy in relation to the above expectations.
- Strike 1 (Reminder): A reminder of our expectations will be given to the student.
- Strike 2 (Warning): The student will be removed from class activities for a short period of time.
- Strike 3 (Action): We will contact you to immediately pick up your child from the lab. Depending on the severity of the behavior, future participation in lab activities may be impacted.
LEGO® is a trademark of the LEGO Group of companies which does not sponsor, authorize or endorse this site or competition.