The RC Car Executive Committee is a unique leadership opportunity for high school student volunteers. The annual RC Custom Car Open began in 2016 when then high school student Henry Tingle proposed the idea to Ping Faulhaber. Since then, a group of high school students has managed all aspects of the competition year after year. From selecting the theme and fundraising to designing and building race tracks, leading workshops and managing race day logistics, students build tremendous leadership and project management skills throughout the year-long program.
- Explore and share your interests and passions
- Boost your resume and college applications
- Build leadership, technical and life skills
- Learn how to take a large-scale project from idea to reality
- Inspire the next generation's interest in engineering and design
- Earn community service hours
- Become part of the Fab Lab family and meet likeminded friends
Interested in joining the RC Car Committee and helping bring the awesome RC Car competition to life? Applications open at the beginning of every school year. In the meantime, get involved through an RC Car support role by clicking here.

"I entered high school knowing absolutely nothing; I had no idea who I was or who I wanted to become in the near future. In my second year of high school, a friend introduced me to the Suncoast Science Center, urging me to partake in the RC Car Executive Committee. That was a huge leap outside of my comfort zone, but I gave it a try, stuck with the group, learned several machines, and gained so many new skills along the way. Honestly, I am so thankful that I never gave up. The Lab has gifted me so much in my short time being there: opportunities, experiences, friends – a second family… a home away from home." - Diego Morales, RC Car alumnus
senior members

JUNIOR members